It’s been brought to our attention that scammers are using a similar business name to ours, Global Financial & Leasing Services (GFLS), in an advertising phishing scam. Consumers, thinking they are submitting bank account and social security numbers to us, are in fact sending this sensitive information to hackers.

GFLS management became aware of this scam when “applicants” began calling our office for status updates. We asked those who got further along in the scammer’s “process” to send us their communications with the alleged cybercriminal. GFLS’s founder and CEO, Jim Jenks, is in touch with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Better Business Bureau (BBB) to determine next steps. We have reported the phishing scam to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center.

Unfortunately, consumers falling victim to phishing schemes that falsely invoke reputable company names is more common than one might think. Be assured that we are doing everything we can to stop this scammer, protect consumers and the reputation we’ve worked hard to earn as a leading provider of equipment financing across a range of credit tiers.

AN IMPORTANT REMINDER: Legitimate businesses, like GFLS, WILL never solicit sensitive personal information through insecure channels like email or text messages.

What Can You Do to Protect Yourself Against Phishing Scams?

Forward phishing communications. We suggest that affected consumers forward any phishing emails impersonating GFLS to the Anti Phishing Working Group, a public-private partnership against cybercrime. You also can file a complaint with the FTC. (This applies to any suspect communication, not only GFLS.)

Visit if you believe you’re a victim. If you believe you may be a victim of identity theft because of a phishing scam impersonating our or another business, visit where you can report and recover from identity theft.

Stay current on best practices to protect your identity. The Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) website has helpful and current tips for computer security practices. You’ll find the latest recommendations on how to protect yourself online and avoid phishing attacks.

Always be on alert. Across the board, personal data security isn’t a one-time action. Always be alert. Be suspicious. Consistently change passwords, logins, etc. Cyberthreats, like phishing scams, are constantly evolving,  and so must your actions to protect yourself.