As relief is announced to help small businesses, GFLS is supporting brokers, too.

As of this writing, the country is grappling with COVID-19. With livelihoods and lives at stake, states and the federal government are hashing out legislation to support affected people and businesses. Here in Arizona, where Global Financial & Leasing Services (GFLS) is headquartered, loans up to $2 million are available from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) to small businesses hurt by COVID-19 pandemic.

The longer the virus and the financial slide that accompanies it continues, the more significant the toll to businesses and the economy. With government stimulus packages available and communities rallying around local small businesses, GFLS is supporting brokers, too, since they are an important part of the economic equation.

This is an unprecedented time for everyone. But, there are a few things that brokers can count on from their partnership with GFLS, no matter what.

To name a few of the most meaningful…

We know your customers and vendors are yours, not ours. Therefore, we would never build a one-on-one relationship with them, and our team politely refers all direct calls and inquiries back to you.

We know your response times are dependent on ours. Our team responds quickly to you, so you can do the same for your customers. The majority of time, we make decisions within 24 hours.

We help you say yes more often, when other lenders say no. GFLS finances B- and C-tier credit types and startups in a variety of industries, including healthcare/medical, restaurant, construction, machinery/manufacturing, forestry/logging and automotive. We look at an applicant’s “story” to get the whole picture, not just the credit score and other numbers.

READ: You Need to Package Your “Story Credit”

We stand by our decisions, so you can stand by your word. Nothing’s worse than having to back out of a deal at the last minute. GFLS will not pull funding based on information we had from the beginning.

Remember, GFLS was founded in 2008 during the Great Recession. Your customers are more than a credit score—that’s what we focused on then, and what we continue focusing on as we navigate this pandemic together. Don’t disregard a potential deal because the numbers aren’t there. Send it to GFLS, and let’s work through it.

Contact us to see how we can help.