There are two types of marketing: outbound and inbound. Outbound marketing includes trade shows, email blasts to purchased lists, cold calling, brochures and traditional advertisements. They’re considered “outbound” because you’re pushing your advertising out, hoping that customers see it.

The affordability and effectiveness of inbound marketing is making outbound tactics less popular. Outbound marketing is less effective at moving the sales needle. Why? Consumers are bombarded with thousands of marketing messages every day. And, it’s expensive without the ability to accurately measure results.  

For example, ABC Company can spend thousands on writing, designing and printing company brochures. They end up staying in the box because brochures must be distributed in person. Or, ABC can spend marketing budget on inbound marketing that directly reaches targeted prospects actively seeking ABC’s services.

Inbound marketing tactics can deliver customers straight to your door. No more wasting money sending out messages, hoping the right person sees or hears it. As if that wasn’t convincing enough, here’s another reason to begin or ramp up your inbound marketing to drive sales after you finance an equipment lease:

Inbound marketing is flexible and scalable. You can easily match your changing seasonal, promotional or budgetary needs.

Use These Inbound Marketing Strategies to Increase Demand for Your Leased Equipment

Regardless of the type of leased equipment you financed, the more it’s in use, the more profit you make. Inbound marketing can drive business for your equipment, and even offset the cost of marketing, as well as the monthly payment.

A Website

Inbound marketing leads back to your website. Make sure your website:

  • Is mobile friendly
  • Is optimized for search engine optimization
  • Has great content with your keywords
  • Is user friendly
  • Includes forms or calls to action

Those are for starters. It’s worth investing in a professional website, otherwise you risk turning off customers or not being ranked well in search engines.

A Blog 

Blogs serve several purposes, including:

  • Improving search engine rankings by posting informational blogs that include your service keywords
  • Establishing your company as an expert in your field
  • Posting company news and promotions

Whitepapers and Case Studies 

Whitepapers and case studies prove your knowledge and how you solve customers’ problems. Whitepapers are factual, not salesy. Case studies focus on problems/solutions, not your equipment, but how your equipment or expertise conquers challenges.

Whitepapers and case studies can be posted in your website’s blog section. Or, you can offer them as a download or email in exchange for contact information (and permission to keep marketing to them).


Videos can be made with your phone, and shorter is better—no more than two minutes, ideally 30 seconds. Your leased equipment makes for excellent video material, like:

  • Equipment in action
  • How-to videos
  • Experts weigh in
  • Video version of a blog or case study 

Social Media 

Have a social media presence on the channels where your audience is. Post snippets of your blogs, promotions, specials, whitepapers, case studies and videos on social media with a link back to your website. 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 

SEO isn’t one tactic, but a number of strategies that makes all of your inbound marketing more visible to search engines. Frankly, it doesn’t matter how wonderful your website, blogs, whitepapers, case studies, videos, etc. are if they aren’t optimized for search engines.

There is far too much information to learn about SEO to cover here, but it’s well worth your time to Google SEO best practices.

Finding What Works Best to Market Your Leased Equipment 

No one knows your business and customers better than you do. You may find a combination of the above or one inbound marketing tactic delivers the sales results you need to make financing your leased equipment even more profitable.

Finally, work with an equipment financing team that is invested in your company’s overall success beyond financing equipment leases. Global Financial & Leasing Services (GFLS) works with many small to mid-sized companies and can answer your questions about all aspects of business. Contact us to find out more about your options. Ready to apply? Start with an application.