5 Reasons to Consider Leasing or Financing Equipment Now

Our team at Global Financing & Leasing Services (GFLS) is seeing light at the end of the tunnel. Not only are we hearing our customers’ stories of confidence thanks to increased business volume, but also, we’re seeing it in the numbers. Certainly, the pandemic has affected small and mid-sized businesses across a spectrum of industries. It’s these exact organizations that’ve been hit hardest and have more difficulty securing financing, especially if they fall on the lower tier of credit ratings.

The economy is preparing for a post-pandemic upswing. When lenders, like GFLS, step up to provide equipment financing, businesses have a strong chance of rising like phoenixes from the ashes. GFLS was founded during the Great Recession to support businesses who aren’t well served by big banks. We have a history of successful lending, access to capital and commitment to our mantra: “When other lenders say no, we often say yes.”

If you’re debating whether this is the right time to finance or purchase equipment for your company, consider these five benefits of equipment leasing.

  1. Upgrading your equipment is more affordable with financing.

    It’s understandable that business owners want to have the latest and greatest equipment and for good reason. State-of-the-art machines and technology can increase employee satisfaction while cutting labor costs, and they can cut other expenses bill, too, with green technology, improved efficiency, fewer repairs and down time, and increased productivity.

    Remember, keeping up with new developments can quickly become expensive if you buy outright, depleting your working capital. That’s where leasing and financing comes in handy. When you don’t have to pay the full cost of new equipment, you can afford the best new products, while keeping a healthy amount of cash on hand.

    READ MORE: 2021’s Top Trends in Equipment Financing

  1. Financing keeps your working capital at a stable level.

    When you make a large purchase up-front, your bank account will take a major hit. This means less money for other endeavors, and if your business experiences a downturn for whatever reason, then you’ll have less cash in your rainy-day fund.

    Paying for your equipment over time helps you keep more of your liquid funds available for other uses. Whether you need to make multiple purchases or your company hits a snag, having cash on hand offers more flexibility and potentially avert making tough financial calls.

    READ MORE: Why Your Business Should Keep Cash Reserves

  1. You can open up other credit lines.

    Financing a purchase can help you keep your business’s other lines of credit open. Many companies, especially in their early stages, will use all types of credit for necessary expenditures. These credit lines could include business loans, personal loans, or even credit cards. Therefore, business owners need to be careful to use their credit wisely and make purchases that will benefit them in the long term.

    When you use leasing or financing specifically for an equipment purchase, you aren’t cutting into these other lines of credit. You can then use those other lines of credit for other expenses that arise as your business grows since your equipment financing is separate.

  1. You can take advantage of tax benefits.

    When you lease or finance equipment, you can take advantage of a surprising number of tax benefits. While you should always consult an accountant and tax attorney to ensure you will benefit. Generally, you can expect to write off part of your monthly payments if you lease or finance a purchase.

    If you finance, all of your interest payments will be tax-deductible as a business expense. You can write off the full cost of your payments if you lease your equipment, and you can also choose to write off the full cost of the equipment in a given tax year. This can come in handy during tax season when you want to maximize your savings.

  1. Applying for equipment financing is surprisingly easy.

    Another factor that keeps business owners from leasing or financing equipment can be the misconception that applying for credit is tedious. However, while big banks may force you to jump through hoops to get a loan, equipment financing lenders make getting approved far simpler.

    At GLFS, for instance, we aim to keep our application process as quick and painless as possible. We take a look at your business’s overall financial picture, and we respond as soon as possible (often in 24 hours or less) with solutions that meet your company’s needs.

If you’d like to learn more about the benefits of financing your next equipment purchase, contact us.